You know that feel good tingle, your hairs stand up on end and you wish you could bottle the sensation?
Whilst I’m more of a rugby & cricket fan, for some reason the song ‘Three Lions’ always gives me goosebumps. There’s a strange nostalgia about it which gets to me (- my mind absorbs a message and my body experiences a physical reaction - who knew?! 😉 - but that’s another post!). I’ve been getting goosebumps quite a lot recently - go figure?!
What’s my point? When the smooth muscle just under the skin contracts (and makes our our hairs stand on end) it releases endorphins, those feel good hormones that also act as your body’s own natural pain killer - something we want in the bucket load during labour.
By using the light touch massage technique we teach in Hypnobirthing, during labour, we can stimulate that muscle to react and contract, producing the good stuff at the time we need it most. As there’s very little pressure involved, it’s a really sustainable technique for the birth partner to keep up for long periods of time and makes for a lovely way to support and comfort your birthing partner.