Birth Planning Power Sessions
Positive Birth Planning Workshop
Left your birth prep a bit late? Not sure where to start with your birth plan? Had your head in the sand? Just want to nail it in one session? Then this workshop is for you.
Working through a labour timeline, we'll discuss your options and feelings about the choices you'll be asked to make, talking through each one in detail ensuring you feel ready, fully clued up and positive about the big day. Along with your preferences for the birth you are aiming for, we'll also cover your options when it comes to assisted birth and C-section, should your birthing journey take an unexpected turn.
Included in the session will be a discussion on induction, natural comfort measures and positive decision-making which will be accompanied by further resources for you to access and deepen your knowledge following the course.
Following the session, you will be emailed a copy of your birth plan in word format so you may edit it as you wish.
Birth Planning Power Sessions can take place in a morning, afternoon or evening, lasting approximately 2.5 hours, allowing you time to talk through your birth preferences - all alongside unlimited cake.
Got more time? After something more in-depth?