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Bump(& Babies!)2Brunch
An informal gathering in a relaxed setting for local expecting (& brand new) parents.
An opportunity to meet each other and make those all-important connections that are so valuable in those early days of parenthood, as well as have a chat with birth and perinatal experts.
Pregnancy and those first few months of being parents to a newborn can be one of the most exciting times in your life. It can also be exhausting, emotional and sometimes even lonely. Life is undeniably turned upside down, and it’s times like these when we need 'mum mates'. Those going through the same hormonal changes, long nights and on occasion, self-doubt, who can empathise with you, laugh with you and share a box of Jaffa Cakes with you.
​It is for this reason that I am delighted to be hosting Bump2Brunch. Come with your partner or without and please don’t worry if you don’t know anyone else going – it’s rather the point! This is a safe space to meet others in the same position as you and make connections to support you during this period.

Our next Bump2Brunch will be a casual meet-up
Guest Hosts
Space is limited so if you would like to join us please book your seat via the button below or email me to be kept up to speed with future meet-ups.
There are a limited number of places available so please reserve your seat to let me know you'd like to join us, and we shall look forward to seeing you!
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