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Sonny’s Birth Story

Writer's picture: Hampshire BirthingHampshire Birthing

Thank you to Katie and Boris for sharing their beautiful birth story:

On a boiling hot summers day in July 2018, I went into labour at home. I had been induced at Queen Charlotte’s hospital that morning but being low risk I was thankfully allowed to return home. The KGH course that my husband and I had completed two months previously had prepared us both for what was to come. I laboured comfortably using my birthing ball, a tens machine and my KG scripts which, during my surges, took me to my visualised place, my childhood garden where I could smell the flowers and feel calm and safe. My husband was amazing, giving me the space that I wanted but remaining close. After 4 hours I could feel that things were changing and we both agreed that we should return to the hospital. Upon arrival I consented to a VE and was told that I was 5cm dilated and my husband and I were then walked up to the delivery suite. There was a birthing pool inside and the midwife started to run the water for me. At that moment I started to feel completely overwhelmed and I knew that something very different was happening to my body. We both knew that this was transition and I instinctively got onto my hands and knees only for my waters to release. The midwife then told me that my baby’s head was ready to be born and in the ten minutes that followed, it became evident that he was in distress and needed some help to be born. So a ventouse delivery followed. Sonny was then plopped onto my chest like a beautiful long slippery seal pup! I just remember thinking I couldn’t believe how long his legs were

and I couldn’t believe the pool was only half full! I felt overwhelmed with love and pride at this little being and it truly was the birth of our family at that moment. I didn’t have the “perfect hypnobirthing birth” but I did have a complete understanding of my body, my labour and the power of birth. I knew my rights and what I wanted and what was important to us as a family. I felt in control and unafraid and I 100% understand the reasons for my assisted delivery. I do wonder sometimes if a home birth would have made a profound difference to the second stage but I am positive and proud that I managed to have such an empowering labour and birth. Thank you KGH.

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